high VOlume EMAIL Provider

Boost your results with our intuitive drip campaigns, split tests, list segmentation, email designs, delivery analytics

Our high volume email solution is designed to help you streamline and optimize your marketing processes, allowing you to focus on growth.

Cherub Email, where everyone benefits.

Cherub Email is leveling the email marketing playing field. The big players’ features are based on volume, so the small business always loses out, not with Cherub Email. We believe in giving everyone the same feature set and not keeping the best for the biggest. All of our features are available to all customers, regardless of size.

Let's keep in contact.

Keep your customer base’s attention by sending regular content. Define who should receive what and how often they should be engaged with you, and Cherub Email will do the rest.

Personalize your heart out.

Cherub Email believes in building solid relationships. You can achieve this with your recipients by greeting them with their names, their location, or other details you may have to quickly make that bond.

Keep your branding yours.

Create aesthetically striking HTML campaigns using an integrated drag-and-drop editor. Or, move right into customizing and use one of our many pre-built templates.

Features Galore

List Management

A list for each niche.

Creating specific contact lists for your segments is the best way to stay organized. When you set up your lists with Cherub Email, your contacts will be optimally organized for your targeted niches.

Beware of the baddies.

Problematic recipients can destroy your email campaigns for everyone else. With Cherub Email, we are proactive with problematic recipients so they do not ruin your reputation. We use a combination of various tools and suppression lists to keep the baddies at bay.


Automate and keep the interest high.

Follow-up emails can boost your business. You can define the criteria for sending automated emails at specified time intervals. Whether to remind people about your products, services, or to follow up on their inquiries.

If this happens, then send that email.

Execute actions when a trigger is activated. With Cherub Email, you can define triggers, and we will send your designated email. Grow your business by putting your marketing on complete automation.


Seeing who opened, when, where, and on what.

At Cherub Email, we offer real-time reporting of the engagements for every individual campaign, unlike the big guys who make you pay extra for it. You get to see the emails being opened, links being clicked, unsubscribes, spam complaints, and all the analytics we collect on your behalf.

I can't decide, I like them both.

Need help choosing which email to send? No problem! Cherub Email provides the ability to split test emails. Test different campaign variants on a small segment of your customers and deliver the best-performing version of the email to all. This ensures the maximum conversion rate with a data-backed choice.

Building Lists

I need more contacts.

Cherub Email has you covered. Create a lead capture form in minutes – no coding required – and generate more leads immediately by integrating the generated code into your website or app.

Ensuring you are getting real people.

Ensuring real people sign up with a confirmed email is necessary to maintain your reputation. Double opt-in is enabled by default, so new subscribers must click on a confirmation link they receive in the confirmation email upon completing the form.

And Many More!

Have a specific need?

Custom and higher sends are available.

Need to send more than 50,000 emails a month? Want dedicated sending nodes with unique IPs? We can customize a solution for your company regardless of size or scale. Contact us, and let’s discuss your requirements, and we will custom-tailor a solution for your business.

Contact Us

From entrant to master

Our system is designed to benefit those just dipping their toes in email marketing to the seasoned professional. Know nothing? We can help get you up and running. Need a little help? We got you. Know it all and just want to sprint. Lead the way. We are here to help regardless of where you are.